Team Up Thursday | Lonely.

That is what my image is feeling this week. Somehow its partner just couldn't make it here via email. Joanne was NOT getting any email love yesterday, so you're just going to have to go over there to see what she did with our pictures!

I LOVE selective focus so I was on this week's theme like a rabid dog! Harrison and I made a rock garden on the deck last on Monday - complete with found shells. And I whipped out the camera in an effort to "practice every day"

[because 365 was flushed down the toilet MONTHS ago...sigh.]

I love the opposite effects that our two images create, cool colors of summer here and warm, cozy colors of winter in Australia. You'll just have to go give her some bloggy love! The contrast in color and subject just works well this week. Love it.
Go ahead, click on the link - you know you want to.

Exposure: f2.0 1/400 ISO200 50mm
On another note, is it just me, or has Blogger been really softening images when upload. This picture is a lot sharper before uploaded to the web.

Oh well.

Check out more Team-Up Thursday hosted by Mental Inventory and Hip Momma.

EDITED to add diptych.


Joanne said...

Hi Rose, sorry the photos just keep bouncing back! I have uploaded it to my flickr account if you want to copy it from there?

Megan said...

what a fun pair! i love that the edible and inedible are so similarly placed in each photo.

Cara said...

I like how the textures are similar and the composition of the subjects. Great job ladies!

Andrea said...

Fantastic shots - well done ladies!

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