One Month Down

EDITED TO INCLUDE: My 'Linked' post will be over here this afternoon.

I got through a picture a day for January – Phew!!
Made it by the skin of my teeth, I need to find my groove (and inspiration for the creatively blank days). It’s hard to believe that it’s February already. Boy, did January fly by, I still feel behind the eight ball – heck I think there’s a big comfortable seat with my name embroidered on it behind that eight ball.

I don’t plan on getting comfortable…

Maybe that’s why I decided to torture myself attempt the 365 Project again this year.

I’m looking forward to traveling life’s road this year.
One picture at a time.


Heather M. said...

good for you! it's such a challenging project but so worth it in the end.

Heidi said...

I love this grid template - is that special software or something I can do?

Rose said...

Heidi, It's Mosaic Maker on a website called Big Huge Labs. I pulled tagged photos in from my Flickr account.


Just Rhonda said...

oh man i love that collage!!!! So cool!!!

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