Photo Story Friday - A Sweet Farewell

Photo Story is Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
PhotoStory Friday

A week ago today, we had a little retirement party for someone I work with. She is very dear to my heart and to Harrison's heart. A part of his routine after school is to go upstairs and see Pearl for a hug and either stamp at her desk for a few minutes or receive a little treat when it exists.

I talked to him last week about the fact that Pearl wouldn't be there every day any longer but we could still see her. The first thing he did was invite her to our house to "watch Star Wars next-later". On Monday, as I walked up to the gate with Harrison in hand, I felt heartsick. It wasn't the same knowing Pearl wouldn't be there with her smile and sense of humor to cut through my tired morning. I felt sad.

On Wednesday after school Harrison wanted to go upstairs and see Pearl. I reminded him of our talk and the party last week but he insisted on going to see for himself. So we did. A person walked into the office and Harrison told her that 'Pearl isn't here anymore". Then he walked into th Rabbi's office and again told the Rabbi that "Pearl isn't working here anymore".

She truly made an impression on both Harrison and I in the last three years. For me, a motherless mother, she is wise council, a listening and understanding ear and unconditional friendship. For Harrison, a surrogate grandmother that fills in when his one grandmother lives so far away. She has full grandmother rights to give him plenty of hugs and kisses and any "treat" she deems fit.

She is busy, she has her own children and grandchildren as well as things keeping her days filled, but we have been blessed that she made room in her heart for us, too.

We'll miss seeing her face three times a week...

But we'll be making a telephone call for a dinner guest soon!

PhotoStory Friday


scrappysue said...

pearl is lucky to have you two in her life!

Kat said...

Aww. :(
I hate goodbyes.

tiarastantrums said...


Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

What a sweet PSF! Thanks for sharing, I think you are all blessed to have one another!

KatieZ said...

It's the people like her in our lives that really make a huge difference. Great Post! Very Sweet!

Killlashandra said...

She sounds like a wonderful person. You guys are blessed to have been able to spend so much time with her. I like Harrison's response that she should come over and watch Star Wars. That's a great idea. :)

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Isn't it amazing the people that walk into our lives like that and make such an impact. Beautiful post!!

Cecily R said...

What a great blessing that relationship is for all of you!!

What a wonderful tribute to your friend!

Sharon said...

Once in a while, we meet someone who touches our lives, and makes an impression that lasts forever. That's neat that your son has such a great relationship with her.
A very nice post.

Chris said...

That previous comment was actually me -- I keep commenting under my wife's account!

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

We have a "Pearl" in our lives and I feel soooo blessed! Reminded me of her when I read your post. Sweet!

Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

It is great that you all can continue to have a relationship although she is no longer working there. She sounds like a wonderful lady.

Corey~living and loving said...

What a beautiful post. It touched my heart. I hope she comes to dinner soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! They look like such good friends.

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