I have quite a laundry list for The Cleaner. Literally.
Hots, colds, gentles, darks, whites. It's got the toughest job in the house- err- outside the house... You see, The Cleaner sits in a little nook on the back porch of this 130+ year old house.

You would think that maybe since it's outside and I can breathe in the fresh ocean air each time I go out to do a load of laundry I would so enjoy the experience.
I hate doing laundry. Hate. It. Period.
So it piles up quickly, then I ignore it for a few
Beside the obvious advantage of fresh air are the hidden benefits that suite this procrastinator. Such as:
- When it rains I have an excuse not to do laundry.
- When it's 90 degrees outside I have an excuse not to do laundry.
- When it's freezing outside (ok - below 60 degrees) I have an excuse not to do laundry.
- When the raccoons and the not-so-friendly neighborhood skunk are on the prowl after dark, I have an excuse not to do laundry.
- OR if the flys keep buzzing into the house and freaking out the ratherlarge coward non as Duke-the-Dog, well, I have an excuse not to do laundry.
Excuse me, I have to go fold some laundry now. From last Friday...
I would call it, hmmm... "charming". I don't need an excuse not to do laundry. I just don't do it.
It looks so quirky and quaint. I guess all the Q words I throw at it and it's still laundry.
I don't have all those great excuses. I just plain old ROT at keeping up with laundry.
Thanks for PSFing with us this week!!
awesome PSF! laundry...huge giant overwhelming task...but i guess you have just given me less reason to whine and moan about it...thanks for that, at least my washer and dryer are inside...where is is always, dry, warm/cool and critter free!
cute blog...love the title, love the description. FUN! i will be back!
oh and thanks for stopping by my blog. i am lovin' this PSF stuff...new bloggy friends YAY!!
Laundry is the bane of my existence, and with 6 kids we have a LOT of it too. I feel your pain!
And any guy will tell you, underwear doesn't have to be changed every day....
I hate laundry, too! But I think I'd hate it even more if I had to go outside!! You deserve a maid, to go out and do it for you... there ya go. Talk Mr. GID into doing that for you!!!! ;)
I too hate laundry, but at least mine is in the house! I can however empathize ... while living in Helena, MT for 6 months-Sept through Feb- our dryer was outside the back door...... somewhere I have a picture and it snowed a TON ..... hummm that might be a good photo story for next week..... thanks for the inspiration! :)
If my washer was outside I would definitely do laundry less often.
Great PSF!
LOL! It does look so cozy and quaint...but I imagine I'd tire of it pretty quickly. Laundry is laundry, no matter where you do it. Which reminds me...I have a load (or 5) to put in...
Wow, that reminds me of apartment living when the washer/dryer were always 3 flights of stairs away, out the building around the corner and into another room. That sucked too. So I can completely agree it's hard to get motivated when they're so far away.
I'd think about plumbing somewhere indoors for them. ;)
Oh that totally is quaint. It reminds me of my apartment days as well! And I am ALWAYS behind on laundry, so I totally feel ya.
Wanna share a maid? :)
Heh - one of my friends lived in an old house and had the outdoor laundry setup. But - it beats the hell out of my NO laundry machines . . . I have to go down the hall and use the communal ones. At least because they're communal I can put my 500 loads I've been procrastinating about in at one time.
Happy folding!
I totally hate to do laundry and its in my nice cozy basement. I use to do 4 loads at once at school and get it all done within 2 hours. A husband and 2 kids later it seems to never end!
Totally know where you are coming from on this!
Hilarious. Even funnier to the woman sitting at her computer instead of folding the day's laundry. Great Photostory!
Oh my. I can totally relate to the your laundry issues...particularly having laundry from like 5 days ago to fold!....Although,mine isn't outside, so at least you do have some good excuses!
This is hilarious!
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