One night last week after Toddler the Hun went to bed... [okay, so he can't even come close to being compared to Attila - but you're not with him all day forgetting that he is ONLY three years old]... I stopped everything to have a glass of wine [or four] and watch a movie, or was it a TV show?
I don't know.
I can't remember.
The night before we had a very nice dinner party at our home with new friends and I used a red wine in the marinade for the London Broil. So there sat the entire bottle, less a quarter cup, of Merlot needing to be consumed before it turned. Well, I couldn't let it go to waste, could I?
While sitting there on the sofa in my wine-induced happy place - I noticed my wine glass sitting next to the Toddler's sippy cup. It struck me as funny - in a get up and take a picture sort of way.
And when I uploaded it to the computer and realized the angle of the wine glass with the word printed, I laughed more. There it was, a picture that could conjure up some darn good stories, I'm sure!
So often in the parenting and disipline area I feel like such a, well, Witch. I have a very spirited 3-year-old. He is a joy and he is exhausting. We don't always see eye-to-eye but at the end of the day he climbs on my lap to have a drink [milk] and watch a bit of a show [Andy Griffith or Get Smart]. Then off to bed.
That night I sat down to have a drink [red wine] and watch a show [who knows], because sometimes I feel like I spend the better part of my day being not too unlike a...
Life is odd sometimes.
What an inventive shot! I love this kind of fun insanity! Fantastic!
Daughter has four, one of which is nearing three...I understand! Oddly similar.
Good eye for something different.
Our odd shot is found Here.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha
It's okay to call him "Toddler the Hun!" I think I may adopt that phrase to describe a certain little girl I know!
This really is classic...especially the "witch" part. Hahahah!
Lol... very well done! I think it would be neat to print it up, with your post, and put it in the baby book.
Ah, just odd enough! I look forward to getting to know you and Toddler the Hun. Welcome to Odd Shots. (I'll update the blogroll when I get home--well, after I get home and leave again and get home again and leave again and then, possible get home and stay a day or two. My todllerhuns have all grown up and have their own toddlehuns and bigger, so my summer is my own and I am making full use of this one.)
Very, very clever and I remember those days...
Definitely a good choice for odd shots. Welcome!
Welcome to the Odd Shot group. We are growing by leaps & bounds. You will fit right in~great odd shot!
It could also be a cause and effect photo! That is what I thought when I saw it!
And yes, we are all a little "Witchy" after a day with a 3 year old!
What a fabulous post for odd shot and a great shot of the glass!
All the better because it wasn't contrived.
Welcome and well done!
Good shot ... clever ... and well worth getting up to shoot/download and share!
That a great picture, it reimnds of a book I read "Sippy cups are not for Chardonay" (very funny).
I am so glad to hear that I am not he only one with a SPIRTED toddler. I know the exact feeling of loving them so much and at the same time exhausted by them.
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