16 Things About Me

I am

a believer in true love
happily married to MY one true love
a procrastinator
a mother of two sons, one by birth, one by marriage
hoping to travel to Italy some day
a pajama girl
a dog person
a child of God
addicted to my morning coffee
always happy in a warm cozy bed
a secret fan of scary movies
never tan
always trying to find more time
a wanna-be artist
rediscovering my passion and talents
fueling that passion with the 365 project

Tracey over at Mother May I tagged her readers for this Flickr meme. She was tagged by by busymomma66.
I accepted the tag.

Let me know if you accept the tag!


Brittany said...

I accepted! :)

Anonymous said...

Man, that could really almost be my list. Except the tan one. I tan easily. And no 365 for me.

Lu said...

thank you for visiting my blog. i completely forgot how much of a procrastinator i am until i read yours. lovely.

Christina said...

Quite a few of those ring true for me, too. Love the picture...very deep.

Harris Family said...

Thanks for sharing! Girl, you are an amazing child of God! Love you!

Cara said...

We have a lot in common. I really should do this. I think I will but it may not get done till next week. I will let you know.

Jack said...

What a great list! loved it :)

Unknown said...

LOVE your photo. It is fantastic. I think a lot of your list I could just borrow, and then maybe I could do the tag, too! :-) (Especially, Italy, pajamas, God, coffee, cozy bed, scary movies, wanna-be artist!)

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