Tranquility for February

tran⋅quil⋅li⋅ty-(trang-kwil-i-tee) n.1. quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.2. a disposition free from stress or emotion

I've picked my one word for February. It feels like a place I want to be. Even though the word it's self tends to stir up images of nature and babbling brooks on the cover of a music CD I would find in a yoga studio or day spa, I like that it is also a reminder to slow down and be quiet.

Sometimes I need quiet down to be free of stress... and hear God's voice. What will I find this month that represents tranquil?

I know homemade bread and tea in the morning starts out the day slowly and relaxing. I'm also working with shadows and light for a change. I tend to have bright pictures often (which I like) but I want to embrace the shadows.

Mood lighting is calling me...

I took the picture then he ate the breakfast - cinnamon-apple tea and all.


tracey clark said...

oh these photos are wonderful! great word.

Anonymous said...

Love the word, can't wait to see more.

ELK said...

such a nice post here with a lot of feeling ~great word too!

Christina said...

That's a great word choice!

Stacy said...

That is a great word. Hopefully this project will help you de-stress, too. Drop two birds with one stone! Love the shots, too. Harrison is so adorable in his bed head hair.

Killlashandra said...

Sounds like a wonderful start to February. I like tea and homemade bread it's a combination that definitely looks and tastes tranquil to me too. :)

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