A Quiet Day of Play

I love my bedroom, not because is decorated perfectly, or painted the perfect, calming color. On the contrary, I'm sure a lot could be done with it; but I love it all the same. It's on the second floor with a south facing window and a west facing window so on a Summer day the breeze blows perfectly through this room.

It is, by far, the best room in the house - the coolest, most airy room we have.

So when the laundry is all tucked away and the bed is made; we LOVE to plant our selves down on the bed, shutters wide open and play, cuddle, laugh, talk, tickle, rest, read, or just dream.

At night we love to keep the west facing window open, allowing the ocean breeze to dance at our window seal. Listening to the seagulls and the rhythmic sound of the fog horn takes me back to my honeymoon in Jamaica  when we slept to the sound and smell of the ocean and delighted in the cool breeze that tucked us in each night.

That's where you could find Harrison and I yesterday, we were tired, it was a long week; so we hung out on my bed and played - in the cool breeze and soft light of my favorite room of our house.

 The first shot is my Best Shot this week. I just love how relaxed {and engrossed} he is, playing with his Bionicles handed down from his beloved Big Brother.

Head to Mother May I for more Best Shot Monday.


Puna said...

Moments to capture and you did a wonderful job of it!

Jen said...

Sounds like the most perfect room. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

iMother2.0 said...

i can almost feel the breeze. gorgeous shots :)

Joanna said...

A room like that is heaven.... especially being your bedroom. And the fact that you both enjoy being there is wonderful. You described it so well, that if I closed my eyes I can feel the breeze too. You have portrayed a wonderful moment!

Megan said...

the mood in those photos is so soft and quiet, moments to cherish with a young boy :)!

Jaimee said...

Definitely some gorgeous light! I can see why you like spending time there! Love your best shot too - my kids love hanging out in our room too - although ours is VERY dark!

Christina said...

You paint such a lovely picture with your words and images! Ahhhh, so peaceful and serene.

Unknown said...

can i come hang out in your room? it sounds perfect. and inspiring!

Kacey said...

Sounds like a perfect room! I need a room like that! LOL Love all of your pictures, but you're right - the 1st shot is fabulous!

Cara said...

You can totally feel the relaxed mood in these photos. On the weekends when Francesco fights taking a nap I allow him to play quietly on our bed while I read and it's one of my favorite times of the day.

Leslie said...

Light and breezy sounds perfect to me. (Especially given that it's an ocean breeze! Yes, jealous much.) And these light, laid-back photos look just like the relaxed afternoon you described.

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