Curiouser and Curiouser...

I came down stairs the other morning to find my Tab key back in place as if nothing had ever went awry with it. I had set it on the keyboard and left it there at an awkward angle; yet secure in it's little keyboard home. It was like a nose that gets broken too many times - crooked but firmly on the face; I could live with that.

Then, there it was, in place, straight, snappy and ready for business.

A couple people mentioned if the little gremlin in the house could be Harrison, but he doesn't go near the computer - unless or course, I am on it.
Since it seems to only happen late a when we are all upstairs in bed, I'm willing to bet that it's Duke-the-Dog surfing the net and catching up on his dog blog habit. After all, what do you expect from a dog without opposable thumbs when he starts typing on the computer?

As for the rest of those pesky little computer keyboard issues...

They're still there.


Blessed Nest said...

he looks guilty!!

Casdok said...

Very strange!

Brittany said...

Maybe there is a 12-step program out there, for Duke? Addiction is rough, Duke! But you can get pass this one!

Christina said...

Ha! Too weird. One of those little mysteries you will never know the answer to. ;o)

Kat said...

The pic of the dog is too cute. Poor guy, looking all guilty.
Maybe you are just over-using that poor tab button. Give it a break, woman!

Stacy said...

love the title!

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