I'm not one for liking pictures of myself, but I push through and sometimes I cheat.

The GID likes this one a lot. Although he suggested maybe a bare shoulders up version. Maybe I'll try that, especially since I'm not sure I like the pictures in the background coming out of my head. What do you think?
Check out other textured themes at
The Land of K.A. I'm going to go take a little break to read a book.
I love it ! But I reckon erasing the pictures behind your head would make it even better ! What textures did you use on this ?
I love the roughness of this! Cool texture!
Nice self portrait!! And great choice for the texture. Try it again without the pictures in the background and post it. I would love to see it.
HI! Leaving a comment heer as I see you actually have 2 blogs (wow!!) Both very nice!Thank you for taking time to visit my blog! It's so nice to hear from people--we all really have so much in common!
Yes, please pass it forward about framing the kids' art...my son is now in Art College in New York City and having the time of his life....sucha great artist and his parents really cannot draw! But I have always encouraged them so I guess it paid off!
Nice to meet you!
Oooh I love it!! Looks very marble-like. Very artistic. Nice work.
Very cool! What a great and artistic self portrait. I actually think the pictures add a bit of color to it, but I can see how it could look very nice without them, too. Love the roughness of it.
awesome! what textures did you use? i really love the effect. i would try it without the pictures, for sure. it is a little distracting, but still a very cool photo of you!
I'm really liking the pose and the textures that you used. I agree the background should maybe be burned out. Fun though, huh?!
I love this! I love the idea of taking a self portrait from behind, and the textures are awesome. I do agree that the picture in the background it kinda distracting, so I'd love to see it again without that.
Great image! I love the hair draped dramatically in front of the face with slight turn of the head. The watercolor look to the image is nice and works so well with the prints you have hanging on the wall. Nice job.
That's great work. It's a very striking image. I wouldn't change a thing.
Wow! This is amazing - but I think that I agree with you, removing the pictures from the background would make it totally about you.
I love it, it reminds me of an old tuscan piece of art. I would leave the pictures, it adds some color and character. Lovely.
Oh its terrific and your hair looks fabulous .. really.
I am glad you came to visit ..
Well done! I like the texture.
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