Since this little person has entered my life, it has only compounded in me an intense NEED to PRESERVE memories; of my family, of childhood, of moments and places important to me. That is REALLY one of the reasons I started this online quest. This living cyber-place keeps me accountable to reach that end.
One of those memories lay within a series of pictures that I took of my grandparents home. They had owned their property since the 1950's and lived there since the 60's. Where my relationship with God is a spiritual anchor in my life, my grandparents home was a physical anchor. I didn't realize how deep that was embedded in my soul until after my grandfather's death a year and a half ago. My Aunt liquidated the estate and sold the property. I still feel the pangs of that experience. The loss of that anchor.
It's true that, after I moved away and got older, trips home were more difficult and farther between - each passing year; but it never represented the map of my heart or dilute my love for my grandparents. You never realize how important and comforting it is to know in the back of your mind that parents "are there" until they aren't. So on a couple cold winter days in December 2005 and October 2006 I took the last of my pictures at "the farm". Harrison was with me, he was able to run across the yard that I spent so much time in growing up. I could fill a book with memories of that yard; some day I hope to write a few down for Harrison. The tender romanticized version of my child's eye that I cherish.
I couldn't look at those last pictures for over a year without welling up into tears. So they sat. The funny thing is, that stupid point-and-shoot stayed true to it's mission to make my picture-taking miserably disappointing. Out of the close to 100 photos I took, in too much of an emotional rush, I had mostly blurred or poor light quality photos. I CAN"T DELETE ONE of them - not one. I just can't.
I finally visited those photos without tears overtaking me and invited them to a day at the PhotoShop spa, they humbly obliged. Below is a small sampling of the results. they are more "artistic" that's fine for me, they represent that romanticized place - in my heart. I see the beauty of my childhood memories preserved in these photos. I also feel a sadness in the resounding quiet of the images.
Check out other memories in the making over at Stacy's Land of K.A.
PS Thank you for the suggestions and comment on my self portrait last week. The general consensus is to leave it as is, but I must play with it just to see the difference. I haven't had a chance to open PhotoShop this week, so I will let you know the results next week!
What a stellar set of photos! I LOVE so many of them!!
Those are gorgeous photos!! Beautiful tribute too.
what a lovely tribute to your grandparents and your childhood. you did a great job at the "photoshop spa" with these pictures :). they evoke a wonderful mood.
What a great set of photos and wonderful memories. I have similar memories myself, and should have done as you did. My family sold my grandma's house (bought in the early 50's), and I didn't find out until after it was sold. :( I hate driving past it now because it was such a warm memory from my past and now it is gone.
Such great memories ! I love the second one best. The colors are just amazing.
great post and photos!!
Wow. WOW! This was such a powerful post, full of emotion. The images are absolutely gorgeous, especially knowing the meaning they hold for you. I bet it was cathartic to edit them and remember.
beautiful series of photos and tribute!
I love all your blurring in the latter images. The over saturated colors and the blurred look really make for a great image. I especially like the one of the well. Very nice.
The words are beautiful, made only better with the gorgeous photos. And your processing was phenomenal!
Such a beautiful post. I understand you attachment to that place. Not only because of the beauty (from the pics it looks amazing) but all the stored up memories.
Wonderful post!
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