I got sort of tagged with a book meme when stopping in to see Mommee and Her Boys. I could have "RUN" but I'm going to follow Brittany's lead because it's fun to see what other people are reading - or in some cases - (this is where I raise my hand.) trying to read.

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people
"Love", a word long foreign to my tongue and pen. It is not a word that can be dissected by reason or dictated by the eye's optic power- it springs from the heart. Like her sisters, Mya's teeth are blackened, her face powdered, her eyes lengthened from large plugs of amber.
The Jewel Trader of Pegu ~ by Jeffrey Hantover

This book is one of those books that I have been "trying " to read, I just never seem to ge the time to stop and calmly read lately. I actually have the book because I created the publicity for a book event and signing the the author was a part of at the organization I work for. One of the many reasons I've been so busy this last month. It is supposed to be a very good read; historically set in Sixteen Century Burma. A love story between an Italian Jewel trader and a local Peguan woman. I do love historical fiction (as well as non-fiction). I'll let you know!

In the mean time, like Brittany, if you want to play along just let us know of you do I would love to know what you are reading this week!


Brittany said...

Oh that sounds so good! I am always looking for a good book. I love historical fiction, too. Something about the 15th-18th centuries, seems more romantic and elegant. I might have to check this one out, at the library!

Thanks for playing :)

Christina said...

that sounds like a good book! And cool that you were invovled in its publicity. I'll be playing along soon....

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